Saturday, August 11, 2007

Day Thirteen

Well, I made it to Seattle...4,395 miles and thirteen days later...

Washington is also a beautiful state. I passed Priest Rapids along I-90. Here are some pictures. What spectacular scenery!!!


Erroll Flynn said...

Well, was I correct??? I told you this would be a trip that you would not soon forget!!!! Have fun in Seattle. I'll have to tell you about my how I ended up in a gay bar one day___Chicago Bob

Unknown said...

Congrats on 4,395 safe miles.

The scenery is beautiful. Being from the NY City area though, I just can't get excited about the skyline. If I were from a small town it be be WOW!! To me,it looks pretty much like the skyline of any big city.

Have you been to the Seattle Center, which was the site of the Seattle World's Fair but is now their arts and cultural center?